Photo Credit: James Murphy Media
The purpose of the Neat Streets Baseline Survey is so you can assess the current status of litter and waste within your school and the local community. The survey simply assesses the weights of various waste streams produced in your school and also assesses the litter grading of areas in the school and the wider community. The survey should be carried out by students before any action plan events so as to give a true assessment of results in the baseline survey. If you’d like to go a step further check out the Green-Schools Waste Audit. Completion of the Green-Schools Waste Audit is not a primary requirement of the Neat Streets Programme.
An Taisce EEU,
5 Foster Place,
Dublin 2,
D02 V0P9,
Contact Us
Email: neatstreets@eeu.antaisce.org
Phone: 01 – 4541786