Photo Credit: Stephen O’ Reilly
Single-use cups are neither recyclable or compostable in Ireland. Approximately over 200 million single-use cups end up in landfill or sent for incineration in Ireland each year. Recycling these cups is possible but the process is expensive and complex due to the composite of plastic and paper which is not easily separated. While compostable cups are a better option, they will only breakdown if placed in a compost bin. By using reusable cups we avoid the extraction of earth’s resources and energy used from production right through to disposal of the single-use item. Why not run a campaign with your school to encourage local coffee shops to provide a discount to customers who bring their own reusable cup, or campaign for the removal of disposable cups altogether!
Check out these links for more info & ideas;
Conscious Cup Campaign
An Taisce EEU,
5 Foster Place,
Dublin 2,
D02 V0P9,
Contact Us
Email: neatstreets@eeu.antaisce.org
Phone: 01 – 4541786